Previously, I have shared my thoughts on the importance of setting goals,

understanding our why, recognising our state of mind and showing a focussed commitment to achieving what we most desire. I feel confident in stating this as a fact, that for many of us we still have goals and outcomes that we said we wanted to achieve but have yet to achieve them. The question that we must ask ourselves is, do we really want to achieve them or is it the idea of achieving them that sounds good? Yes, in life things will happen that may deviate us from the path that we set out on, and it can take quite some work to get back onto that path, if we really want to. Lately, I have been reminded and have had reaffirmed, that it’s more important for us to be in the driver’s seat for what we want to achieve rather than letting someone else dictate our goals and how we will achieve them. Along the way we will need the support, guidance, and constructive criticism of those around us, who are wanting the best for us. But ultimately, we must want the best for ourselves.
This year to date has been taxing on each of us in different ways. For many of us it may feel like it’s been the most taxing year of our lives. But during these times, some of us have had new opportunities presented to us that has the potential to take us to the next chapter of our lives. New opportunities can be scary and can leave us feeling vulnerable as we step outside of our comfort zones, but often vulnerability can allow us to discover more about ourselves and find a side to us that we may have been holding back for far too long.
I can’t say that I have all, or many, of the answers for that matter, but I do know that if we don’t go and seek what we’re after we won’t find it. If we don’t ask the questions, we will never get the answers. If we keep on stopping, or limiting ourselves at every obstacle we face, we won’t find the progressions that we’re after to be able to achieve what we desire. It is during the challenging periods that we must Persist Until Something Happens.
In my experience a change in season, such as going from winter to spring, or a change in our life season, such as planning to get married, can be great opportunities to refresh and refocus on what it is that we want to achieve most. Despite all we’ve endured throughout this year, I am challenged to be brave enough to want more, to expect more and to achieve more. I challenge you to do the same.
If you’re wanting to reconnect, or connect for the first time, get in touch today and see how you can be encouraged to P.U.S.H. You’ll be glad you did.